Форс Индия за петък
Нико Хюлкенберг:
We’ve had a pretty good day of practice, although there is obviously more work to be done. The car feels very driveable around the circuit, but I feel there is more to come from it, especially on the super-soft tyres. Our target is to squeeze out a bit more performance overnight. The whole field is very competitive and close here and finding the perfect balance will be crucial. It's about getting all the pieces of the puzzle together and having a clean lap in qualifying.
Серхио Перес: It was quite a normal day of practice. Trying some different settings and aero parts this morning, and then looking at the soft and super-soft tyres in the afternoon. It went to plan, apart from a small problem at the end of the day, which is why we had to finish our session a little earlier than expected. The positive thing, however, is that we have good information to improve our performance tomorrow. We have a fair bit of work to do tonight to get in the best shape possible for tomorrow's qualifying and obviously for the race on Sunday.
Робърт Фърнли: We’ve had a solid day of practice and we're quite satisfied with things. The only real issue was a small problem with Sergio's car, which cost us the last few minutes of the afternoon. Despite this, the feared rain didn't materialise and we could use the two sessions to go through almost our entire programme. We were able to complete the necessary long runs and we tested both tyre compounds extensively. Our race pace looks better than our one-lap pace, but the track here in Montreal tends to evolve significantly during the weekend so there will be some set-up changes to make ahead of qualifying to find the sweet spot for the car.
10/03/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари