Заубер за петък
Естебан Гутиерес:
Overall, it was a positive day and I think we are going in a good direction. We were working aggressively on the set-up characteristics; this is the way to find something new and to explore opportunities. In the morning we were struggling with some set-up changes, but we are trying to find a compromise. Moreover, we still need to find stability when braking. Tomorrow is qualifying, so we need to keep pushing.
Адриан Сутил: I could not run very much today, as I had to sit out the first practice session. It was difficult to feel comfortable with the car during the afternoon session. The set-up was not ideal, and that’s why the car did not react in a way we hoped for. We changed something, but didn’t get the reaction we wanted. We need to analyse the data to understand what the issue was.
Гиедо ван де Гарде: It was good to be back in the car. During the first stint I needed some time to get familiar with the car, because the last time I drove the C33 was quite some time ago. The car has improved in some areas, but there is still work to do. I had understeer when turning into the corner under braking. There we can improve. In total I completed 19 laps, which I am satisfied with. All in all it was a good session and a great warm-up for my upcoming test day on Wednesday.
Джампаоло Далара: With Giedo we had a defined programme in the morning, which we went through. Esteban was pretty happy with the car. This gave us the chance to work on different set-ups, which was positive. We are quite satisfied with his car. With the other car we had a difficult day, because Adrian was not happy with the balance. As a consequence of this we skipped the long runs and just concentrated on working on the set-up of his car. This evening we have to work with Adrian to decide what’s best set-up wise, and we will check the car to find out whether something is wrong.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари