МакЛарън за петък
Кевин Магнусен:
We had a reasonable day, with no real problems. We also managed to get through the whole testing programme complete, which was a positive. The new components that we introduced in Germany still feel good – we’re still getting more from them – but there’s always further fine-tuning to do. We just need to keep up this impressive rate of development into the second half of the season. I may have ended FP2 fifth-fastest, but I think our job is going to be a little more difficult than it was last weekend. At Hockenheim, the car’s pace was good enough for the top five, but we’re probably a little bit further behind than that this weekend.
Дженсън Бътън: I had a relatively good run on the soft tyre using high fuel, so I’m feeling happier about that, but the balance over a single lap is something we need to concentrate on tonight. It was quite difficult to be consistent; the car felt different from corner to corner, from lap to lap. I like a precise car, and we didn’t quite nail that today – but I think we know why that is and we’ll change it for tomorrow. I’m not too worried. Looking at the timesheets, it’s quite difficult to know where we stand – we’re not up there with the Mercedes or the Red Bulls, but the Williams cars seem a little less competitive compared to the last race. We still have a lot of work to do tonight.
Ерик Булие: On such a tight circuit, and with so much traffic, it’s sometimes difficult to get a clear read on pace and performance during practice at the Hungaroring. During both sessions, Jenson and Kevin noted that their runs were being interrupted by traffic – but it’s the same for everybody, and I don’t think it disrupted our programme too significantly. While neither driver really felt like they discovered the sweet-spot of their cars today, I think we nonetheless managed to gather some useful long-run data. There’s quite a bit of analysis that needs to take place tonight before we can feel confident about the rest of the weekend, but I think we’ve made a solid start.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари