МакЛарън за Япония
Дженсън Бътън:
Coming to Suzuka feels like a second home race for me. Japan is such a special place and my win here in 2011 really stands out as a personal highlight. The fans there really set it apart and there’s an incredible atmosphere about the whole place all weekend. It’s also one of the best circuits we come to; a real challenge and incredibly unforgiving, which makes it all the more rewarding when you get it right. For me the Esses are the best section of corners in the world – totally unique to Suzuka, which makes racing here so exciting. Being such a tricky, high-speed track you need good downforce, rhythm and total focus to get the most out of a lap. Despite not getting to the finish in Singapore, we’re definitely on an upward curve in terms of developing the car. Suzuka will be a tricky one for us, but I’m still really looking forward to it.
Кевин Магнусен: Suzuka is one of those legendary circuits - I can’t wait to get out there! I’m really looking forward to driving onto the track for the first time and tackling the famous corners you always hear about – the Esses, the Degners, then Spoon and 130R. After Singapore, I’m hoping the conditions in Japan won’t be quite so difficult to manage! It was a really tough race and we deserved more than we came home with, but I’m confident that we can begin the weekend in good form and build on the improvements we’ve already seen in the past few races. Suzuka looks like a really challenging circuit, very fast with some really tricky corners to get right, which makes overtaking a bit more difficult than at other tracks. I can’t wait to get to the track and start working with my engineers to get the best set-up. After the difficult race we had last time out, I’m going to give it my absolute all to get the best possible result here for the team.
Ерик Булие: Although on paper our results from Singapore were very disappointing, the team has quickly refocused and we’ve taken many positives from the weekend which we aim to carry into Suzuka. More than anything, our performance proved our total determination to succeed and fight right until the last moment. Despite coming home with just one point, our lap times and race pace compared to the front-runners is certainly more promising than earlier in the year, so this is what we must focus on at Suzuka to keep up this momentum. For McLaren, Suzuka is a very special race. The Japanese people are so welcoming from the moment we step off the plane, and the whole team enjoys coming back to Japan each year. It’s a circuit that the fans and drivers love, and its traditional slot towards the end of the season means we usually see some incredibly tense on-track battles. Suzuka is an interesting challenge in terms of set-up - getting the car’s balance right will be the key to success. Our engineers are working hard to make sure we get the most out of our car this weekend, and our aim is to build on our improvements in Singapore and come away with a result that is more representative of our recent progress.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари