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From what we can see of the first day of action in Russia we’re happy with our choices. The medium and soft tyres are the right choice for a new track. With turn three in particular the supersoft tyre may not have worked, but we’ll analyse all of this carefully after the grand prix. We’re seeing very low wear and degradation, which puts us on course for an average of two pit stops per car during the race. We’re also facing a high degree of track evolution, which is normal for a new circuit, and this may yet alter the overall picture of tyre behaviour. Because the circuit was so slippery there was a risk of graining today – which is always the case for a new track – but in the end this did not prove to be a major factor. We’ve got plenty of data to look at tonight and our understanding of the circuit has already improved.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари