Ериксон и Наср остават в Заубер и през 2016

23/07/2015 13:03, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 898/2024 прочита, 1 коментар


Екипът на Заубер ще запази пилотския си състав през 2016 непроменен. Маркус Ериксон и Фелипе Наср получават удължаване на договорите си за догодина.

Маркус Ериксон:
I’m very happy that the Sauber F1 Team has put its trust in my potential for another year. Up to now I have some good memories of my first year with the long-standing Swiss team. I had a great start from the very beginning, and it is worth mentioning my first points in Formula One that I scored right away during the season-opener. I am getting to know everyone within the team more and more, and feel I am being appreciated as a valuable driver. I feel honoured to be part of the Sauber Motorsport family, and I will continue to do my very best to succeed.

Фелипе Наср:
It is great to be driving another season for the Sauber F1 Team. The extension to the contract with the Sauber F1 Team is an important step in my career. During the first half of the season, in what is my rookie year, I was able to gain a lot of experience from a driving perspective as well as on the personal side. Finishing fifth at my first ever Formula One race in Melbourne in the Australian Grand Prix is so far my career highlight. Now I am looking forward to the second half of the season. My objective is to support the team as best I can, and also with regard to the development of the new car.

Мониша Калтенборн:
We are pleased about the extension of the contracts with Marcus and Felipe. This early point in time shows that the drivers and the team are sure they are heading in the right direction. We have full confidence in the talents and skills of Marcus and Felipe. Both have shown solid performances, gained experience and learnt quickly. We enjoy having them in the team and they give it a positive boost. Despite their young ages, they work very professionally – on as well as off the track. Marcus and Felipe are already involved in a very dedicated way with the development of next year’s Sauber C35.

Още от сезон 2015:


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Ха-ха, та откога договорите гарантират титулярно място при Заубер
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Публикуван на: 23/07/2015 15:14


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