Джулиън Палмър ще бъде пилот на Лотус през 2016 година

24/10/2015 00:27, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1204/2279 прочита, няма коментари


Джулиън Палмър ще бъде съотборник на Пастор Малдонадо в отбора на Лотус, който може и да се казва Рено догодина.

Палмър тази година е резервен пилот на Лотус и участва в няколко свободни тренировки.

Джулиън Палмър:
I’m obviously delighted that I’ll be racing in Formula 1 next year. Lotus F1 Team gave me a tremendous opportunity this season and I thank them for assisting my development to a level where they have put their trust in me for a crucial season in their evolution. I’ve enjoyed and learnt a lot from my year as Third and Reserve driver so I’m looking forward to putting this into practice as a race driver in 2016. I can’t wait for next season to get underway!

Жерар Лопес:
We are very pleased to announce that exciting British racing talent Jolyon Palmer is promoted to a race seat with the team for next season. We’ve seen Jolyon’s hard work and talent this season in the way he’s approached his third driver role and he is a really popular choice for the team. As well as having a great future ahead of him behind the wheel, Jolyon is an intelligent and highly marketable asset to the team. He deserves this opportunity, and everyone at Enstone is excited to see what he can achieve next year.

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