Естебан Гутиерес ще се завърне във Формула 1 с екипа на Хаас

31/10/2015 08:30, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1054/2101 прочита, няма коментари


Естебан Гутиерес е вторият пилот на новия екип Хаас, който ще се появи на стартовата решетка догодина. След като преди около месец Хаас обявиха, че Ромен Грожан ще кара за тях, сега потвърждават и Гутиерес.

Новината не е изненада и отдавна се даваха знаци, че именно Гутиерес ще бъде другия пилот на екипа.

Естебан Гутиерес:
This is an excellent opportunity that builds on my time with Ferrari and I will make the most of it. Gene Haas believes in me and I believe in how he’s going about competing in Formula One. To have a race seat in a competitive car with Ferrari power is very special, and I appreciate the faith he has in me. I trust we’ll be able to achieve great things together.

Джин Хаас:
I got to know Esteban through our relationship with Ferrari, and after looking at the success he’s had to earn his role there, it became clear he was an excellent choice for our race team. He’s young and hungry, but not inexperienced. His two years running a full F1 schedule has given him some very good race experience, and having spent this season at Ferrari as their third driver allowed him to see firsthand the methodology that makes Ferrari such a power in Formula One.
We’re very happy to have Esteban as a part of our race team. Between him and Romain, we have a strong driver lineup that will help us develop our car and, ultimately, score some points in our inaugural season.

Гюнтер Щайнер
All along we said we were looking for experienced drivers, and we have that with Romain and Esteban. Romain has more starts, but Esteban has a deep knowledge of Ferrari and how they do things. He’s learned from the best in his role as their third driver, which means he knows how they’ve developed their current cars. He’s been a big part of that and he’ll be a big part in the development of our cars at Haas F1 Team.

Карлос Слим Младши
Tonight, we are particularly proud of the Telmex and Telcel Racing Team, not only for Mexican motor racing, but for sport in general in our country. Today, we can confirm the talent and the experience of Esteban Gutiеrrez with his continuing career in Formula One as an official driver for Haas F1 Team, with whom we feel very happy to start a new adventure.

За момента няма официално изявление за спонсорите на Хаас, но присъствието на Карлос Слим Младши, както и на логата на Telcel и Claro върху стената с рекламите говори достатъчно.

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