Никола Томбазис ще се присъедини към екипа на Мейнър

15/01/2016 12:57, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 898/1926 прочита, няма коментари


Никола Томбазис ще оглави отдела на Мейнър отговарящ за аеродинамиката.

Никола Томбазис:
I am very happy to be joining the Manor F1 Team at this exciting time in its development. The team has impressive plans and is investing in all the right areas to achieve its on-track ambitions, so I am very much looking forward to being part of that journey. The existing design team is already very strong and I look forward to working with a great group of people to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead to help us progress through the field over the next few seasons.

John McQuilliam - технически директор
I am delighted to announce Nikolas in the position of Chief Aerodynamicist. I believe this appointment will help to amplify the efforts of a very talented design team that, in recent years, has not had the opportunity to showcase the full extent of their experience and capabilities. I am confident that, together with our new Mercedes power unit and Williams gearbox and technical partnership, our new aero structure will provide us with the strength to design and develop consistently competitive racing cars to help steer us towards our long-term ambitions.

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