Паскал Верлайн ще бъде пилот на Мейнър тази година

10/02/2016 13:21, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 894/1777 прочита, няма коментари


Отборът на Мейнър обяви първия си пилот за сезона - Паскал Верлайн. Формалното потвърждение идва след седмици спекулации, а първите индикации, че Верлайн може да се озове в Майнер започнаха още след обявяването на сделката за двигателите на  Мерцедес.

Паскал Верлайн:
Manor Racing is a great place for me to start my Formula One racing career - I’m very pleased to be here. It’s a small and totally focused team and I soon hope to know everyone. Though it’s my first F1 season my aim is to help Stephen and the guys achieve their goals. It will be a tough challenge but I think we should be able to challenge for points along the way. It’s going to be good fun. A word for my racing family at Mercedes-Benz, and particularly for Toto, who have guided my career this far and made this opportunity possible. Thanks for the incredible support to help me achieve my dream; now it’s down to me to grab the moment and perform on track.

Стивън Фицпатрик:
Pascal is a sharp driver with a very promising future; Manor Racing is excited to have him aboard. We’re a small team up for a big challenge this season, so we’ve chosen a driver with the talent and hunger to match our own on-track ambitions. Pascal has impressed in testing for Mercedes and Force India, together with commanding performances in DTM, culminating in the championship win last year. Manor Racing is perfectly placed to help Pascal make a big impact in his first season. We’re looking forward to it!

На стартовата решетка остава само още едно свободно място и то отново е в екипа на Мейнър.

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