Заубер показаха C35 (представяне)

29/02/2016 12:56, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1376/2812 прочита, няма коментари


Отборът на Заубер показаха първи снимки на болида си за сезон 2016 - C35.

Заубер участваха на първия тест за сезона със стария си болид C34, а C35 ще дебютира тази седмица на втората група тестове.

(авторски права на снимките - Заубер)

(авторски права на снимките - Заубер)

Мониша Калтенборн:
We want to clearly improve. Obviously, there’s a certain position we’d like to achieve. But, to start with, it’s important to become established in mid-field. Only then are we going to focus on individual positions.
Both delivered a good, first season for us. Speaking for Marcus and Felipe is the fact that they made only few mistakes. And that they learnt from these mistakes. Now they’ll have to show how they’re going to keep working on their skills following the experience they’ve gained.

Маркус Ериксон:
The battle for positions is getting fiercer. But I’m convinced that, with the new car, we’re going to take a step forward so that we can finish in the points with greater consistency and under our own steam. Last year we managed a good start. In the second half of the season it was a harder struggle for us to score points. This season I’d like to see us being in contention for points and fighting on a level where speed is decisive. I know that everyone at the factory in Hinwil is working very hard in this direction.

Фелипе Наср:
It’s difficult for me to predict how the positions behind the top teams are going to pan out this season – and where we’ll be able to line up in that part of the field. We’re going to put innovations on the grid, but so are our competitors, and their efficiency remains to be seen. It’s hardly possible to make any predictions under these circumstances. The whole team has been working very hard to explore areas in the car that we can improve. That’s why I’m confident that we’ve made progress. The season will show what positions we’ll be able to achieve with it.

Марк Смит:
For the development of the Sauber C35-Ferrari, we slightly changed the philosophy of how we developed the car aerodynamically. It sounds little, but the impact on the development of the car is significant. When looking at the Sauber C35, it is very much an evolution.

Още от сезон 2016:


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