Заубер за петък
Маркус Ериксон:
It was a productive day. I was able to collect some good mileage. We need that in order to continue our work in understanding the characteristics of the C35. There is surely room for improvement in terms of performance, but the main priority today was to put in as many laps as possible. Now we need to analyse everything to see what we can optimize for the rest of the weekend.
Фелипе Наср: It was positive that we got in some mileage in both practice sessions. We were able to do short and long-runs, which is important for the rest of the weekend. In terms of driving, I am still not satisfied with the handling of the car. We still have a lot of work to do as we have to find more pace.
03/12/2024 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари