Серхио Перес остава във Форс Индия и през 2017 година

02/10/2016 21:12, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 906/1772 прочита, няма коментари


Серхио Перес ще остане в отбора на Форс Индия и през 2017 година.

Серхио Перес:
I’m pleased to confirm that I will be racing with Sahara Force India in 2017 as the team and my supporters have concluded their agreements. I’m very happy with this team and I have a good feeling for the future. I’ve seen the progress we’ve made over last couple of years and I’m sure we have the potential to achieve even more going forward. The team knows me well and it’s important to have stability, especially with some big rule changes planned for next year. I’m excited for the rest of this season and for the challenge that awaits all of us in 2017. I thank all the team for believing in me and I will do my best repay their faith with points, podiums and hopefully wins. I also want to thank our Mexican partners, especially Telmex and Telcel, who have been supporting me since I was a young boy. They continue to play an important role in my journey through the sport.

Новината не е изненада, защото още вчера се заговори, че е постигнато съгласие и беше само въпрос на време да бъде обявено официално.

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