Мерцедес внесоха протест против Макс Верстапен, отложиха решението за САЩ, Мерцедес оттеглиха протеста

09/10/2016 12:46, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1386/2720 прочита, няма коментари


Отборът на Мерцедес внесе протест против Макс Верстапен относно маневрата на последния завой срещу Хамилтън.

Според Мерцедес, Верстапен е нарушил точка 27.5 от спортните правила:

At no time may a car be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers or any other person. This will apply whether any such car is being driven on the track, the pit entry or the pit lane.

In order to ensure that cars are not driven unnecessarily slowly on in laps during and after the end of qualifying or during reconnaissance laps when the pit exit is opened for the race, drivers must stay below the maximum time set by the FIA between the Safety Car line after the pit exit and Safety Car line before the pit entry. The maximum time will be determined by the race director at each Event after the first day of practice but may be amended later in the Event if deemed necessary. The time will normally be based upon 145% of the best dry P1 or P2 time.

Ето и съобщението за протеста:
A protest has been lodged by Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team against car 33 driven by Max Verstappen of Red Bull Racing relating to an alleged breach of Article 27.5 of Formula One Sporting Regulations, in that he allegedly drove erratically and in a dangerous manner, forcing car 44 to take evasive action at turn 16.

The Stewards are conducting a hearing. The results are still provisional.

Обновено на 09/10/2016, 13:22:

Тъй като пилотите не са присъствали, то комисарите са взели решение протеста на Мерцедес да бъде разгледан от комисарите в САЩ. Мерцедес и Ред Бул са се съгласили.

The Stewards convened a hearing of the Protest lodged by Mercedes AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team against the driver of Car 33, Max Verstappen of Red Bull Racing.

The protest was lodged in accordance with Article 13.4.4 of the International Sporting Code.

At the commencement of the hearing the Stewards noted that neither driver was in attendance and hence was unable  to give or refute any evidence.

After hearing initial comments by representatives of Mercedes, the Stewards decide that in order to ensure fairness and afford both drivers the opportunity to be heard, the matter should be deferred and in accordance with Article 11.9.2.s of the International Sporting Code, the Stewards delegate their authority to the Stewards of the 2016 United States Formula One Grand Prix. Both team representatives agreed to this.

За момента според първия документ на FIA резултатите ще останат предварителни. Ако обаче бъдат публикувани официалните резултати, то те ще останат валидни за сезона. За да има промяна в класирането трябва да се стигне до арбитраж, което едва ли ще се случи, но пък Верстапен може да получи друго наказание, като например позиции назад или просто порицание.

Възможно е обаче Мерцедес просто да постигнат изясняване на правилата при такива маневри.

Обновено на 09/10/2016, 13:59:

В нов документ на FIA се казва, че Мерцедес са оттеглили протеста си.
Mercedes AMG Petronas Formula One Team has notified the Stewards that it is withdrawing the protest lodged at 18:14 on Sunday 9th October (document 41).

Междувременно Люис Хамилтън написа в twitter, че протест няма, но после бързо изтри съобщението си:
There is no protest from either myself or @MercedesAMGF1. One idiot said we have but it's not true. Max drove well, end of. We move on.

Малко по-късно Хамилтън написа следното:
There is no protest from myself. Just heard the team had but I told them it is not what we do. We are champions, we move on. End of!

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