Рено за петък
Кевин Магнусен:
We tried a few different things with the car today and we still have work to do. I don’t think we’re a million miles away from where we want to be, equally there’s still clear improvements to be made so we’ll be looking at that ahead of practice and qualifying tomorrow.
Джулиън Палмър: Today went pretty well. We have a good balance and all we have to work on is minimising the tyre degradation with a heavy fuel load. I feel that we’re in a pretty decent place with the car; there’s still some fine-tuning to be done, however we’re in the right ballpark.
Боб Бел: We completed most of our programme today however we did miss out on some time with Kevin in the first session due to a water leak, and then his long-run on the soft tyres was compromised by a flat-spotted tyre. The super and ultra soft tyres look to both be pretty short-lived from what we’ve seen so far so we have some number crunching yet to do.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари