Карлос Сайнц ще бъде върнат с три места назад на старта в Русия

16/04/2017 21:28, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1166/2301 прочита, няма коментари


Карлос Сайнц получава наказание заради инцидента между него и Ланс Строй в днешното състезание за Голямата Награда на Бахрейн.

Според комисарите той е виновен за предизвикания инцидент и съответно получава наказание от три места назад, както и две наказателни точки за период от 12 месеца. Така той събира вече 7 наказателни точки.

Fact: Collision with car 18 in turn 1.

Offence: Involved in an incident as defined by Article 38.1 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations

Decision: Drop of 3 grid positions at the drivers’ next event.
(2 penalty points awarded, 7 points total for the 12 month period).

Reason: The Stewards heard from Carlos Sainz, the driver of car 55, Lance Stroll, the driver of car 18 and the team representatives, reviewed the video evidence which showed that car 18 was on the normal racing line, car 55 left the pit lane and made a very optimistic attempt to pass car 18 into the corner. The Stewards decided that the driver of car 55 was predominately to blame for causing the collision in violation of Article 27.4 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations.

The Competitor is reminded that, in accordance with Article 12.2.4 of the FIA International Sporting Code and Article 38.3 g) of the FIA Formula One Sporting regulations, the above penalty is not susceptible to appeal.

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