Заубер ще са с двигатели Хонда през 2018 година

30/04/2017 10:08, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1348/2727 прочита, 1 коментар


Заубер ще сменят двигателите Ферари в болидите си с Хонда догодина.

Заубер са дългогодишен клиент на Ферари. Тази година те използват миналогодишен двигател заради по-ниската цена.

Мониша Калтенборн:
It is a great honor for the Sauber F1 Team to be able to work together with Honda in the coming seasons. Our realignment is not just visible through the new ownership but also now with our new technological partnership with Honda. We have set another milestone with this new engine era, which we await with huge excitement and of course we are looking for new opportunities. We very much look forward to our partnership with Honda, which sets the course for a successful future – from a strategic as well as from a technological perspective. We thank Honda for making this great partnership happen.

Катсухиде Морияма:
In addition to the partnership with McLaren which began in 2015, Honda will begin supplying power units to Sauber as a customer team starting from next year. This will be a new challenge in Honda’s F1 activities. In order to leverage the benefits of supplying to two teams to the maximum extent, we will strengthen the systems and capabilities of both of our two development operations, namely HRD Sakura and the operation in Milton Keynes. We will continue our challenges so that our fans will enjoy seeing a Honda with dominant strength as soon as possible.

Малък детайл е, че и МакЛарън ще са двигатели на Хонда догодина въпреки спекулациите за смяна с Мерцедес.

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Бог да ги прости Заубер!
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Публикуван на: 01/05/2017 08:26


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