Дженсън Бътън получава наказание заради инцидента с Верлайн

28/05/2017 19:11, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1343/2645 прочита, 2 коментара


Дженсън Бътън получава наказание в единственото си до момента състезание тази година.

То е заради контакта му с Верлайн на завоя Портие, който обърна настрани болида на Верлайн и извади Бътън от състезанието.

Според комисарите вината за инцидента носи основно Бътън и затова го наказват да стартира с три места назад в следващото си състезание тази година и освен това му присъждат две наказателни точки. Ако Бътън не кара този сезон, това наказание няма никакъв смисъл.

Пълното решение на комисарите:
Fact: Car 22 collided with car 94 in turn 8.

Offence: Involved in an incident as defined by Article 38.1 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations

Decision: Drop of 3 grid positions at the drivers’ next event in the season. (2 penalty points awarded, 2 points total for the 12 month period)

Reason: The Stewards heard from Jenson Button, the driver of car 22, Pascal Wehrlein , the driver of car 94 and the team representatives. The Stewards heard the explanation of BUT that he believed that after WEH gave way to the Ferrari, that WEH had lost momentum and that going into Turn 8 WEH was also going to be on the dirty line. WEH explained that he was in fact back on the racing line, at normal speed, and that he did not see BUT move to the inside as he was not expecting it. Having reviewed all the angles of video, the Stewards concluded that WEH was on the racing line, and that the move BUT made was unlikely to result in a clean pass. The Stewards did not consider the consequences of the collision which resulted from BUT trying to brake at the last moment and WEH’s interlocked wheel causing the car to turn on its side. The Stewards determined that BUT was Predominantly to Blame, under Art. 38.2a of the Sporting code and caused the incident, and therefore applied a 3 grid place penalty to BUT for his next race this season, and two penalty points.

Комисарите присъдиха още едно наказание, което не промяна нищо. Инцидента между Квят и Перес, донесе на мексиканеца 10 секунди добавено време. Перес обаче видя карирания флаг последен и това добавено време няма никакъв смисъл.

Пълното решение на комисарите:
Fact: Car 11 collided with car 26 in turn 18.

Offence: Involved in an incident as defined by Article 38.1 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations

Decision: 10 Second Time Penalty imposed after the race in accordance with Article 38.3 (10 seconds added to elapsed race time) (2 penalty points awarded, 5 points in total for the 12 month period)

Reason: The Stewards heard from Sergio Perez, the driver of car 11, Daniil Kvyat , the driver of car 26 and the team representatives and reviewed multiple angles of video evidence. The stewards concluded that although KVY and PER were racing for position, and that KVY could have yielded more at the second apex of Turn 18, PER was Predominantly to Blame under Art. 38.2.a for an incident that forced KVY to retire. Consistent with previous decisions, the Stewards determined that as PER was still running at the end, the penalty applied will be the same as if we had issued it during the race, and ordere

Още от сезон 2017:


Спор | Отговор
Е това е готиното да заместваш само за едно състезание. Може да правиш каквото си искаш на пистата, без да те интересуват наказанията
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 29/05/2017 16:30

Спор | Отговор
Бътън и Перес направиха единствените два опита за изпреварване и се удариха. А тоя Верлайн не е за Ф1.
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 01/06/2017 20:46


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