Заубер и Хонда няма да са заедно през 2018 година - остават с Ферари

28/07/2017 10:44, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1145/2237 прочита, няма коментари


Заубер и Хонда се разделиха още преди да са започнали реалното си сътрудничество.

Раздялата беше отдавна под въпрос, след като Мониша Калтенборн напусна отбора.

Фредерик Васьор:
It is very unfortunate that we have to discontinue the planned collaboration with Honda at this stage. However, this decision has been made for strategic reasons, and with the best intent for the future of the Sauber F1 Team in mind. We would like to thank Honda for their collaboration, and wish them all the best for their future in Formula One.

Масаши Ямамото:
We had built a good relationship with Sauber, and had been looking forward to entering the 2018 F1 season together. However, during discussions after management changes at the team, we reached a mutual agreement to call-off the project due to differences in the future directions of both parties. We would like to thank Sauber for their cooperation, and wish them all the best for their future.

Despite this announcement, Honda’s passion for motorsports and strong commitment to Formula One remains unchanged.

Обновено на 28/07/2017, 10:44:
Само ден по-късно Заубер обявиха, че остават с двигатели Ферари през 2018 година. Разликата е, че ще използват двигателя за 2018 година, а не миналогодишен, както беше през този сезон.

Фредерик Васьор:
I am very pleased to confirm that we will continue to work with Scuderia Ferrari as our engine supplier in form of a multi-year agreement. The shared experience between the Sauber F1 Team and Ferrari has built a strong foundation, which will allow us to move forward swiftly and efficiently, also in terms of the development of the 2018 car. I am convinced that together we can achieve the results which reflect the passion and determination that is, and always has been, behind the Sauber F1 Team

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