Даниил Квят с наказание в Унгария

29/07/2017 18:27, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 958/1807 прочита, няма коментари


Даниил Квят получи наказание и ще бъде върнат с три места назад на старта в Унгария.

Наказанието на Квят е заради задържане на Строл по време на квалификацията.

Освен трите места назад, Квят получава и една наказателна точка, с което актива му нараства на 10 за период от 12 месеца. Ако получи още 2 наказателни точки, то той ще трябва да пропусне едно състезание.

Fact: Unnecessary Impeding by car 26 of car 18 in turn 11.

Offence: Breach of Article 31.6 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations.

Decision: Drop of 3 grid positions. (1 penalty point awarded, 10 points in total for the 12 month period).

Reason: The Stewards examined video, driver radio communications, timing data, telemetry and car positioning data evidence and heard from Daniil Kvyat, the driver of car 26, Lance Stroll, the driver of car 18 and the team representatives. The Stewards determined that Kvyat was on an exceptionally slow lap having spun earlier and damaged his tyres. The Stewards acknowledged that he was warned by the team very late of the approach of Stroll who was on a fast lap. Further, Kyvat pulled as far to the right as he could as soon as he saw Stroll. However, the Stewards considered that these were not mitigating factors. Kyvat was driving exceptionally slowly and taking the racing line at the end of Q1 when other drivers were attempting to set fast laps and this led to the unnecessary impeding.

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