Заубер за петък
Маркус Ериксон:
My morning session was a bit compromised as we had an issue on the front right tyre. Unfortunately, I lost some running time there. However, the car felt quite good overall. FP2 started off well, but, unfortunately, I lost the car on my first push lap, and touched the wall slightly. That was enough to cause some damage. It was a bit of a messy day, but all in all I felt comfortable with the balance of the car, which is positve for the rest of the weekend.
Паскал Верлайн: After missing out on FP1, it was important for me to collect good mileage in the afternoon. In terms of our programme, we focused on short and long runs in the afternoon, in order to prepare for the rest of the weekend. Moving forward, we have some work to do regarding set-up of the car. Overall, the day went well.
Шарл Леклер: I enjoyed today’s practice session very much. First of all, it was nice to return to a familiar track which I have driven on last year. My knowledge of the car and the procedures has been improving over the past few weeks. I have learned a lot and I feel more and more confident in the car each time I have the opportunity to drive it. Today was my first practice session this year to have taken place in completely dry conditions. We were able to run through our planned programme and to collect some useful data. Overall, it has been a great experience.
03/12/2024 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари