Хаас първи представиха болида си за 2018 година

14/02/2018 17:05, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1485/3232 прочита, няма коментари


Хаас са първият отбор, който представи болида си за 2018 година.

В доста кратко видео в twitter, Хаас показаха VF-18.


(авторски права на снимките - Хаас)

(снимки от twitter)

Видео от филмовия ден:

Джин Хаас:
People see what we can do in Formula One and people believe Haas Automation can build world-class machine tools. Being a Formula One participant brings a level of credibility that you just won’t get through traditional advertising.
We eliminated a lot of the variables where we knew we were weak. We’ve focused on what it’s going to take to get our car to be consistent and close that gap to the top teams.

Гюнтер Щайнер:
The biggest part of the car’s evolution was the addition of the halo. It took quite a bit of study by the aerodynamicists, but the designers had to work hard to modify the chassis so the halo could survive the mandated loads. The total minimum weight of the car increased because of the halo, and there’s a higher center of gravity simply because of the halo’s position. But, everyone is in the same boat.
The regulations stayed pretty stable between 2017 and 2018, so the VF-18 is an evolution of our car from last year. It’s less about reinvention and more about refinement. You see elements we had from last year on the car this year.
Our 2017 car was actually pretty good, but we didn’t always get the best out of it, and that’s what we aimed to change in 2018. We got the car as light as possible to carry more ballast. We were able to do a better job of putting the weight where we wanted it.
The livery is a little bit of a return to what we had on our first car, the VF-16. Its look is clean and precise, just like the machine tools made by Haas Automation.

Още от сезон 2018:


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