Даниел Рикардо ще бъде върнат с три места назад в Австралия

23/03/2018 11:46, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1107/1967 прочита, няма коментари


Даниел Рикардо получава първото наказание за сезон 2018.

Той ще бъде върнат с три места назад, защото днес по време на втората тренировка се е движел по-бързо от разрешеното при червен флаг на пистата.

Освен това в талона му ще бъдат добавени две наказателни точки (2 общо за период от 12 месеца).

Пълното решение на комисарите:
Fact: Car 3 did not stay above the minimum time set by the FIA ECU under the red flag.
Offence: Breach of Article 31.6 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations
Decision: Three grid place penalty. (2 penalty points awarded, 2 points for the 12 month period)
Reason: The Stewards examined telemetry, video, car positioning data evidence and heard from Daniel Ricciardo, the driver of car 3 and the team representative.
The Stewards reviewed the data and video and found that Ricciardo did in fact fail to stay above the minimum time set by the FIA ECU in the penultimate and final mini marshalling sectors. The Stewards also found that Ricciardo slowed by as much as 175kmph from his fast times at Turn 12 and was consistently and significantly slower in the final three turns, indicating that he was fully complying with the requirements of Appendix H of the International Sporting Code. However, he admitted an error in reading his dash and was slightly below the minimum time.
As the regulation states, Art. 31.6 was added this year to ensure that drivers reduce speed sufficiently during a red flag. Breach of this regulation is seen to be an extremely serious matter. However, in this case, the Stewards thoroughly reviewed the breach and found that the driver slowed significantly, such that no danger was created, and that the driver proceeded with due care. The Stewards therefore are imposing a lesser penalty than usual, and impose a three grid place penalty and two penalty points.

Още от сезон 2018:


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