Хаас за петък
Ромен Грожан:
It’s been a pretty good day. We had FP1 and we learned quite a bit about the new upgrade, then in FP2 the car behaved nicely. We tried all three different (tire) compounds between the two cars – there’s some more work to do, but it’s been encouraging. The new aero package does suit me pretty well. It’s an amazing circuit. I really like the feeling I get here. It’s not easy to find a balance, and the racing line is always changing. The grip is coming up during the weekend, but I really always enjoy driving here. Then at the end, unfortunately, an animal decided to cross the straight line. I did follow the advice – I didn’t steer to avoid it but, unfortunately, we had contact. It was high speed. I couldn’t do anything to avoid it.
Кевин Магнусен: I had an okay day. I think FP1 was a bit difficult. We didn’t quite understand the tires. It improved a little bit in FP2. We’re still learning, and we still need to analyze more for tomorrow. We’ll find some answers tonight about the tires. The tires are the big subject here in Montreal. I think if we can find some answers with that and get a clear picture of what temperatures we need and how it laps – that’s going to be the most important thing.
Гюнтер Щайнер: There’s still some work to do, but FP2 was definitely a better session than FP1. We’re going in the right direction to understand the upgrade. We were unlucky – Romain hit some kind of animal, which cut short his session and did a lot of damage to the car. Nevertheless, we are working hard for tomorrow, trying to get back where we want to be.
03/12/2024 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари