Ред Бул за Унгария
Даниел Рикардо:
I like the Hungarian GP. Everyone always says it’s Monaco without walls, but it’s not, it’s Hungary! It’s fast, it’s normally really hot and even though it’s a tight track there’s still quite a lot of overtaking and always a bit going on. The middle sector is one of the best of the whole year, it’s pretty fast with really quick changes in direction. The track used to be pretty bumpy but it’s improved a lot recently. I’ve always liked the circuit but the city is also really cool. Budapest is amazing; it’s very pretty, there’s really good food and I always enjoy spending time in the city centre. Because it’s just before the summer break there’s also always a good feeling in the paddock before everyone takes a well-earned holiday.
Макс Верстапен: The Hungaroring is very difficult to master. It begins with very hard braking into Turn 1 before an off camber Turn 2 which tries to push you off from the inside. It is an important circuit to be precise in order to be online for the next corner. Turn 4 is almost blind so you need to be cautious and build up throughout the weekend. Sector 2 is pretty narrow and twisty so you need to take extra care here. Turn 11, the fast right hander is probably my favourite corner on the track, when you get it right it is a nice feeling. A good exit from the final corner is important as the straight is long so carrying speed is vital. Budapest is a cool city, it has a reputation as a bit of a “party town” but I have not had chance to experience that yet! Walking on the banks of the ‘Nube is nice and gives a chance to see both parts of the city, Buda and pest. I’ll always try to fit in a good helping of Goulash while I’m in Hungary as I really enjoy this dish, usually on Sunday evening.
10/03/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари