Рено за петък
Нико Хюлкенберг:
We missed quite a lot of running today, which never helps the cause. We were reasonable out of the box in the morning but the car just shut down with no warning. Once the Energy Store was changed I was able to get out in the afternoon, but obviously my programme was very different from that intended. On the plus side, we were still in the top ten at the end of FP1, so it wasn’t all bad. Looking at the other side of the garage there doesn’t look to be any major concerns so I’m hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Карлос Сайнц: It was good to get out on this track and the car was feeling pretty decent. We ran through the usual programme, and were able to make positive progress. As usual, we identified what we need to do to improve the car and I’m particularly looking forward to tomorrow.
Ник Честър: Nico lost some track time with the Energy Store change, but aside from that it was reasonably straightforward for us. Carlos had a decent day, on the pace in both sessions and with good feedback for us to work on in terms of setup. Nico missed a lot of running today but was on the pace in FP1 and we know that’s something he can bounce back from very easily.
10/03/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари