Даниел Рикардо напуска Ред Бул и ще кара за Рено от 2019 година

03/08/2018 15:18, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 5281/18781 прочита, 4 коментара


Даниел Рикардо напуска Ред Бул и се отправя към Рено. Той ще си партнира с Нико Хюлкенберг от 2019 година.

Даниел Рикардо:
It was probably one of the most difficult decisions to take in my career so far. But I thought that it was time for me to take on a fresh and new challenge. I realise that there is a lot ahead in order to allow Renault to reach their target of competing at the highest level but I have been impressed by their progression in only two years, and I know that each time Renault has been in the sport they eventually won. I hope to be able to help them in this journey and contribute on and off track.

Сирил Абитбул:
Daniel’s signing underscores our determination to accelerate our progress towards the forefront of the sport. It is also a recognition of the work accomplished over the past two and a half seasons. Daniel’s undoubted talent and charisma are a huge bonus and statement for the team. We will have to repay his faith in us by delivering the best car possible. We welcome him to our growing team in 2019 with a great deal of pride, but also humility.

Жером Строл:
Renault decided to come back to Formula One to fight for World Championships. Signing Daniel Ricciardo is a unique opportunity for the Groupe Renault towards this objective that could not be missed. We welcome Daniel’s arrival to our team, still in the making, but more motivated than ever.

Кристиан Хорнер:
We fully respect Daniel’s decision to leave Aston Martin Red Bull Racing and we wish him all the best in his future. We would like to thank him for his dedication and the role he has played since joining the Team in 2014, the highlights of course being the seven wins and the 29 podiums he has achieved so far with us. We will now continue to evaluate the numerous options available to us before deciding on which driver partners Max Verstappen for the 2019 season. In the meantime, there are still nine races left in 2018 and we are fully focused on maximising every opportunity for Max and Daniel for the remainder of the season.

Още от сезон 2017:


Спор | Отговор
Харесвам го и като пилот освен като човек. Радвам се и мисля, че е правилно решение да смени отбора. Дано има добър болид догодина и да ни радва с моженето си! Успех RIC!
Рейтинг: [4|6|0.35] 4 / 6

Публикуван на: 03/08/2018 23:28

Спор | Отговор
Даниел е умен и го е показвал не веднъж,ясно му показаха че не е желан в Ред Бул още миналата година,няма работа при лимонадите вече,радвам се за него,а и Рено догодина мисля че ще са в топ 3 отборите и ще изпреварят Ред Бул,тъй че правилен ход за Рикардо!
Рейтинг: [5|5|0.65] 5 / 5

Публикуван на: 03/08/2018 23:41

Спор | Отговор
Желая му успех! Той го заслужава!
Остава и Рено да направят колата си
Рейтинг: [3|3|0.53] 3 / 3

Публикуван на: 05/08/2018 09:22

Спор | Отговор
Има някои сходни моменти с местенето на Люис в Мерц. Дано и продължението е сходно.
Рейтинг: [3|3|0.53] 3 / 3

Публикуван на: 05/08/2018 16:45


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