Ромен Грожан ще бъде върнат с три места назад в Бахрейн

30/03/2019 19:55, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1021/1819 прочита, няма коментари


Пилотът на Хаас Ромен Грожан ще бъде върнат с три места назад, заради задържането на Ландо Норис днес по време на квалификацията за Голямата Награда на Бахрейн.

Според комисарите Грожан се е движел ненужно бавно и освен наказанието от три места назад му добавят и една наказателна точка в талона. Така Грожан има вече осем точки за период от 12 месеца.

Fact: Driving unnecessarily slowly and impeding car 4 in turn 14.
Offence: Breach of Article 31.5 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations.
Decision: A drop of 3 grid positions in accordance with Article 31.4 of the Formula One Sporting Regulations. 1 penalty point awarded, 8 points in total for the 12 month period.
Reason: The Stewards reviewed video evidence and heard from the driver of car 8 (Romain Grosjean) and the driver of car 4 (Lando Norris) and the team representatives.
The driver of car 8 stated that he was about to commence a push lap when he was overtaken by car 5 and thus slowed significantly to maintain a sufficient gap. He was not advised by the team of the rapid approach of car 4, which was on a push lap. The speed differential was 136 km/h at the point where car 4 had to take avoiding action.
The Stewards accept that the driver of car 8 did not intentionally intend to impede, however it is the driver’s responsibility to be aware, when travelling abnormally slowly, that faster cars may be approaching.
Competitors are reminded that, in accordance with Article 12.2.4 of the FIA International Sporting Code and Article 17.2 of the Formula One Sporting Regulations, the above penalty is not susceptible to appeal.

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