Алфа Ромео за Франция
Алфа Ромео за Франция
Кими Райконен:
Антонио Джовинаци:
Фредерик Васьор:
Кими Райконен:
Recently we struggled with grip and therefore we didn’t have enough speed. Some corners were fine, while in others the car felt very strange. We’re getting some new parts on the car for France so this should help us to get back to the performance we had at the beginning of the season.
Антонио Джовинаци:
Joining the champions who received the award is an honour but also a great responsibility. It’s a big push to do better and demonstrate I deserve this recognition. I believe hard work is the only way to achieve great results and it’s not going to be different in Formula One. I’m focussed on my goal, no matter how tough the way to get there is, and I want to make sure we get the rewards for our work, those rewards that have eluded us so far.
I am not losing confidence, I know we can do it as a team. Only those who don’t fight have already lost, and we’re never going to give up.
It felt incredible to drive surrounded by all these fans. I’m going to turn all this affection into a driving force for me.
I am not losing confidence, I know we can do it as a team. Only those who don’t fight have already lost, and we’re never going to give up.
It felt incredible to drive surrounded by all these fans. I’m going to turn all this affection into a driving force for me.
Фредерик Васьор:
The last three races didn’t go to plan, but it would be too easy to put it down to bad luck or unfortunate circumstances. As a team we need to do fewer mistakes and we need to work harder, which we have done after coming back from Canada, to get the full potential out of our car. At the same time there is no reason to talk ourselves down, we’re showing fighting spirit and we’ll make the most of the developments we have lined up for the next few races. I am confident we can recover the speed we showed earlier in the season and get back in the fight for points.
10/03/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари