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Ромен Грожан:
We didn’t start with the best baseline set-up, I could feel that in the first run. We then had a water leak and that was the end of FP1. When you’re not starting with a car that’s bang on target, it just puts you a little on the backfoot, it was not ideal. Then in FP2, we had that front lock-up on the first attempt, that’s not understandable at the moment. The tire was damaged, so we had to abort that run. I tried as hard as I could to carry on as I knew I only had one set left after that. We moved onto the soft, and by the end of the high-fuel run we were in a better place. It was a more positive end to the day.
Кевин Магнусен: I think it’s been a pretty good day. It was very hot on the track, so the tires were getting hot, but the car seemed to be working alright, on both low-fuel and high-fuel. So, that’s encouraging, and we’ll try to build on that, we’ll try to learn why that is today and try and make sure it also works on Sunday. We’re in the mix but it’s the race pace we’re really focusing on.
Гюнтер Щайнер: It’s been a very challenging Friday for us, specifically with Romain (Grosjean) not doing many laps and Kevin (Magnussen) struggling to find a balance in the car. The afternoon went a little bit better, at least for Kevin. Not so for Romain as he flat-spotted his first set of tires immediately, then he waited until the track got better to go out on his second set. On Kevin’s car, the guys worked on the set-up and balance – I think we’re getting there. We still need to make quite a step tomorrow to be competitive over the weekend.
10/03/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари