Серхио Перес остава в Рейсинг Пойнт за още три години

30/08/2019 19:32, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 722/1270 прочита, няма коментари


Серхио Перес остава в Рейсинг Пойнт за още три години. Новината едва ли е изненада, но по-изненадващото е срока на договора.

Серхио Перес:
I’m very excited to extend my partnership with the team for the next three years. I’ve been working together with this group of people for a long time now and they have become my second family. Together we have enjoyed a tremendous amount of success and we share the same passion for racing. I have been impressed with the direction the team has taken over the last twelve months and that gives me confidence for the future. I believe the best times are still to come and I look forward to celebrating plenty of podiums in the years ahead.

Отмар Шафнауер:
We know Sergio very well and it’s great to confirm him on a long-term deal. Over the last six years we have seen him become a very complete driver with excellent qualifying speed and exceptional race craft. Sergio believes in the long-term vision of this project and getting his commitment until the end of 2022 gives us valuable consistency going forward. As the team continues to grow and develop it’s important to have a driver with Sergio’s level of experience, especially with new regulations on the horizon. The whole team is thrilled to continue working with Sergio and I believe we can enjoy great success together in the coming years.

Още от сезон 2019:


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