Рено за петък
Нико Хюлкенберг:
Our morning was decent and the afternoon started okay, but this afternoon was a bit strange. The car seemed to get worse throughout FP2 on the Soft tyre runs so we need to investigate why. We have some work to do on short and long runs, but we’re getting ourselves back into the routine of a race weekend again. Nevertheless, it’s nice to be in the car after the break at this great track.
Даниел Рикардо: It was a pretty good day and it’s nice to get back into it. The break didn’t feel too long and everything felt very normal on a whole. We were in the top ten for both sessions, so I think we’ve started on the right foot, but we have a little bit more to find. We probably didn’t make as much progress as we’d have liked in the afternoon. We’re there, with just a few bits and pieces to work on. Other than that, the track’s good, the weather is good and we’ll see what happens.
Ник Честър: Overall we made some good progress today, working on the aero balance and set-up across both cars, while getting some data on the medium and soft tyres. We are not quite there with balance just yet: Nico wasn’t able to improve on new soft tyres in FP2 so we will have a good check of his car to understand why we lost some pace after his first run. On the medium tyres, at the start of FP2, the drivers were quite well matched. Daniel’s long run pace was pretty good in FP2 and we need to concentrate on first lap balance for tomorrow.
24/02/2025 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари