Николас Латифи ще бъде пилот на Уилямс през 2020 година

28/11/2019 09:24, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 803/1461 прочита, няма коментари


Уилямс обявиха, че Николас Латифи ще замести Роберт Кубица в екипа им догодина. Той ще си партнира с Джордж Ръсел.

Николас Латифи:
I am thrilled to be stepping up as Race Driver for 2020. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the team this year, supporting them with the development of the car, and assisting wherever I can trackside and at the factory. I look forward to the journey ahead with the team, and I am excited to make my Formula One debut at the Australian Grand Prix in 2020.

Клер Уилямс:
I am delighted to announce that Nicholas will be stepping up to the role of Race Driver to partner George in 2020. All of us at Williams have been immensely impressed at what he has achieved this year in FIA Formula 2, along with his commitment to the team, and the work that he has put in behind the scenes. Nicholas has become an established and well-respected member of Williams, and we look forward to him stepping up into this new role, as we look to fight our way back to the midfield.

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