Даниел Рикардо ще бъде пилот на МакЛарън от 2021 година

14/05/2020 12:02, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 825/1411 прочита, няма коментари


МакЛарън обявиха, че Даниел Рикардо ще бъде техен пилот от 2021 година. Новината идва след редица спекулации възникнали след като Себастиан Фетел напусна Ферари по-рано тази седмица. Очаква се и потвърждението на пилотското място на Карлос Сайнц във Ферари.

Зак Браун:
Signing Daniel is another step forward in our long-term plan and will bring an exciting new dimension to the team, alongside Lando. This is good news for our team, partners and of course our fans.

I also want to pay tribute to Carlos for the excellent job he has been doing for McLaren in helping our performance recovery plan. He is a real team player and we wish him well for his future beyond McLaren.

Андреас Зайдъл:
Daniel is a proven race-winner and his experience, commitment and energy will be a valuable addition to McLaren and our mission to return to the front of the field. With Daniel and Lando as teammates, I believe we have two racers who will continue to excite our fans and help the team grow.

Carlos is a true professional, a pleasure to work with and we will continue to enjoy going racing with him this year. We all wish him good luck for the next stage in his career when he leaves McLaren.

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