Алфа Таури AT04 (представяне)

11/02/2023 20:05, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 652/1410 прочита, няма коментари


Алфа Таури ще представят AT04 - болидът за сезон 2023.

Представянето ще бъде излъчвано на живо:

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Франц Тост:
As we know, Formula 1 has seen a huge increase in popularity due to the likes of Netflix and social media over the last few years. So, it's extremely important that we continue to grow in this market, which is why I'm pleased we were able to launch our 2023 livery here today in New York City to show our appreciation to the US audience. Likewise, I think it's great that AlphaTauri could display their new collection at the event, as this year is the first time they'll sell their clothing here in America.

Юки Цунода:
I've had a lot of fun this week in New York City and it's also been great to attend the event here today, it's such a cool backdrop for both the fashion collection and our new 2023 livery. The classic Scuderia AlphaTauri colours look great next to the new clothes and I can't wait to try both out this season!

Ник де Врийс:
I've loved attending my first event as a Scuderia AlphaTauri driver, the opportunity to represent the brand at New York Fashion Week has been extremely special for me, and really showed me what the brand is about. The livery looks great, and you can see how the sleek A/W collection has inspired it, so I can't wait to see it on track.

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