Заубер за петък
Камуи Кобаяши:
It was a good first day here for us. I think my fastest lap time on soft tyres should have been a little bit better, but I wasn’t pushing enough on that lap. The long runs looked okay with both the hard and the soft tyre compounds. However, I think for qualifying we should improve the balance of the car. We have had a smooth day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
Серхио Перес: In the morning the car’s balance wasn’t good and we had to change quite a lot for the afternoon session. We worked in the right direction, as it was an improvement and therefore it really was a productive day. I found on long runs both tyre compounds were degrading quite a lot, but we will see what we can do to help in this respect.
Джампаоло Далара: Overall we had a good Friday. We were able to cover the programme with both cars and both tyre compounds. Sergio’s last run was somewhat hampered after a previous off which had resulted in some damage of the floor. What we can see from measurements the new aero package, which was introduced in Mugello, works as expected. So also in that regard we are quite happy. We have done good mileage and now have a lot of data to look at.
03/12/2024 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари