Заубер за петък
Серхио Перес:
For me it was a good day. We have completed our entire planned programme, so in this respect it was very positive. I am comfortable with the balance of the car and, therefore, I think my position in the second session is pretty much what we are capable of here. This means Q3 is possible.
Камуи Кобаяши: I definitely have to work and improve the balance of the car. At the moment it isn’t right in any regard, but it is only day one in Abu Dhabi. The track’s grip normally improves a lot here, which might also help. Today I didn’t really manage to get the tyres to work. However, on long runs I don’t see any issues with either the soft or medium compounds in terms of degradation.
Джампаоло Далара: We are certainly in better shape today than we were on the Friday in Korea and India, where we struggled more. On the programme side I am quite happy, as we managed to do everything we planned.
03/12/2024 от Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), няма коментари