Рафаеле Марчело ще бъде тест пилот на Заубер

31/12/2014 11:00, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1770/4165 прочита, няма коментари


Рафаеле Марчело ще бъде тест и резервен пилот на Заубер през 2015 година.

Марчело, който е възпитаник на академията на Ферари ще продължи да се състезава в GP2.

I am really pleased to become a member of the Sauber F1 Team, which has a long term tradition in building up excellent drivers. I really think that this is the best choice for the future of my career. I am also happy to compete one more season in the GP2 Series,  that together with my new F1 role, will give me a very busy 2015 season. I want to thank the Ferrari Driver Academy for giving me this important opportunity, and now I really can’t wait to start delivering my best.

Мониша Калтенборн:
We are pleased to announce Raffaele Marciello as our test and reserve driver for the 2015 season. He proved his great talent in junior formulas, and his season in the European Formula 3 Championship with 13 wins and the title victory was particularly impressive. We will give Raffaele the opportunity to become familiar with Formula One, which also includes him taking part in some free practice sessions on Friday. It’s great for our team to be part of his way to Formula One.

Новината първо беше съобщена от Ферари. Не е ясно за момента дали Гиедо ван де Гарде ще остане с екипа на Заубер през 2015.

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