Груп Лотус са сигурни че ще спечелият името Лотус

25/01/2011 16:01, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 493/674 прочита, няма коментари


Реакцията на Груп Лотус относно решението на съдията вчера по казуса Лотус срещу Лотус не закъсня. Тя обаче не се различава много от изразеното вече задоволство от противниците им спора.

Group Lotus and Proton have been made aware of the press release issued by 1Malaysia Racing Team (1MRT), it is completely incorrect and a misrepresentation of the Judge's decision suggesting that Group Lotus' application was "thrown out".

No decision was made on Group Lotus' application. The Judge proposed that the better procedural route was to order a speedy trial of all the issues in dispute in the case. 1MRT initially resisted the Judge's approach to resolve all matters quickly and before the start of the 2011 Formula 1 season but the order was subsequently made and the first available date was 21 March.

Group Lotus and Proton have always held the view that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible in the interests of Formula 1 and the fans. We therefore welcome this decision and look forward to the full trial.

We are confident that at the trial Group Lotus will succeed in preventing 1MRT, Mr Fernandes and his companies, from using the Lotus name in Formula 1 once and for all.

Така и двете страни са уверени в крайния успех, а за нас остават пуканките ... само, че са горчиви.

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