Пирели за Австралия

21/03/2011 19:34, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 867/1427 прочита, няма коментари


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Пол Хембъри:
This is the moment that we’ve been building up to for more than a year now and it’s very exciting for all of us. Our tyres this year are designed to be different to what we have seen before in Formula One, but I think all the teams have managed to gather some useful information about them in testing. We’re aiming for between two and three pit stops in Australia, which in some ways is against our company DNA as our road car tyres are designed to be as durable as possible. But Formula One is a very different case, because our remit from the teams and promoter was to provide entertainment. With that in mind, we’re just keen to get going now and it will be fascinating to see exactly how the drivers and teams are going to use our tyres to employ different strategies during the race. We’ve noticed a few differences between the teams already in testing, and it’s going to be very interesting to find out exactly how that translates into a race situation.

Още от сезон 2011:


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