Ред Бул за Турция

28/04/2011 18:00, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 992/1638 прочита, няма коментари


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Себастиан Фетел:
I hope you all had a good weekend; I relaxed a bit with my family and friends, as I haven’t seen them all for a long time and also did some training to be fit for Turkey. After being on the road for such a long time it was good to do normal things again. I like the Turkish circuit, it has all types of corners, slow and fast, like Turn 8. It’s an awesome corner, we try to take it flat year by year. It’s fast and extremely bumpy, so you can hardly see where you’re going – you turn in and hope for the best. Turkey is a hard track on tyres and it’s usually quite hot there – but I especially like the place as it’s where I had my first F1 test drive. Our car should be strong there, but of course we have to respect our competitors and can never take anything for granted. People are pushing hard, but we are pushing very hard too to maintain our strengths.

Марк Уебър:
I hope you all had a good Easter. I caught up with some friends and had some good downtime. It’s a bit odd in the UK at the moment with all the bank holidays, but the weather has been sensational. And, of course, I ate a few Easter eggs... Looking to Turkey, I like Istanbul Park – there are a lot of undulations, which makes the track a little bit more challenging in places. The circuit includes Turn 8, which is a very, very long corner with multiple apexes and is very high speed, which puts added strain on the tyres and the drivers’ necks. It’s also a corner that rewards accuracy with your racing line if you get it right early in the corner. Unfortunately I think it’s a pretty expensive race for locals to attend, which means the atmosphere is often not what it could be – it’s a bit of a shame, as the drivers look forward to going there - I know I am.

(авторски права на снимките - Ред Бул)

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