Турция 2011 - Рено за петък

06/05/2011 19:11, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 817/1430 прочита, няма коментари


(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Ник Хайдфелд:
It was good to finally get an experience of the wet conditions by using the extreme wet tyres, because I haven’t used them before in testing properly. That went quite well I have to say. We didn’t want to destroy them – as we hadn’t tested them before, we didn’t know how long they would survive and the forecast was still not clear for Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately we didn’t get into a position to be able to drive the intermediates. Then, as the second session was completely dry we were able to completely focus on our programme, which was to get a long run in towards the end, whilst having a high fuel load.

Витали Петров:
It was a bit difficult today with the weather conditions. We didn’t use inter tyres in the first session which was a pity. We wanted to save tyres, which is why we only had 10 laps. In P2 we knew it would stay dry. We need to be happy with today. As expected, we achieved quicker lap times and there’s still some more in the car. Judging by our performance in P2, I think there are encouraging signs ahead for the rest of the weekend.

Джеймс Алисън:
Like all the teams, Friday work is focused on race preparation rather than maximising qualifying performance. It was tricky to read too much from this morning’s times. The rain ebbed and flowed throughout the session and the pace of the competitors varied accordingly. We were pleased to get through the session unscathed. The afternoon session was a more regular affair. We appear to be more or less where we have been on a Friday in the first three races of the season. We ran our new tyres early in the session and ran relatively long stints on heavy fuel in the second half of the session

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