Уилямс за Испания

16/05/2011 11:02, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 877/1436 прочита, няма коментари


Уилямс отново ще тестват новото си задно крило, което имаха в Турция, но не използваха в състезанието. Освен това ще разполагат и с нов дифузьор, който ще изпробват. А ето и какво казват пилотите на отбора, както и техническия им директор.

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Рубенс Барикело:
Barcelona is a great racing track and one that people know the most. It will be interesting to see how much the other teams and drivers have developed since we were there for the final test in March. I hope that we as a team can make a good jump forward in performance with our upgrades in Barcelona. I remain positive that we will.

Пастор Малдонадо:
It is going to be a very interesting race as we’ve had more time to develop the car now so we will see what we can do in Barcelona. We have more data as we tested there over the winter, so I think that will make it slightly easier than it’s been at the previous races. I think it will be easier from my point of view as well because I’ve already driven the FW33 there. We will continue to work on the new upgrades to see what a difference they can make. I really like the circuit. I think it is one of the best as it is a very complete, technical track with a good mixture of high and low speed corners. Turn 3 is probably my favourite; it is very long and fast.

Сам Майкъл:
Barcelona is a circuit that demands good aero efficiency. It isn’t a track that is hard on brakes and with its long high speed corners, the aero efficiency of the cars can be the biggest performance differentiator. The circuit layout hasn't been favourable for overtaking in the past - however with the tyre degradation and the moveable rear wing it will likely be different this year.

Since the Turkish Grand Prix, we have been working on our new rear wings that we ran in practice at Istanbul Park and we will have them on both cars again in Barcelona. In addition to that we’ll have new exhaust blown diffusers to test.

Още от сезон 2011:


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