Испания 2011 - Торо Росо за петък

20/05/2011 17:40, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 906/1569 прочита, няма коментари


Проблеми за Буеми с презавиването дължащи се на голямата разлика в двата типа гуми. Той обяснява също така, че по-слабите времена в сравнение със зимните тестове се дължат на по-високата температура. Тя влияла на поведението на гумите доста. Смяна на двигател за Алгерсуари, между двете сесии, но както се оказало по-късно проблемът не е бил в двигателя, а в инсталацията му.

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Себастиен Буеми:
A completely different experience to our winter testing here of course, with much slower lap times because of the higher temperatures and we know these tyres react very differently in this heat. Even though this was just a half day for me, I was able to run a lot and I am quite happy because we have a lot of data to analyse, so it will be a long evening. The main problem, which I think affected everyone today, was a lot of oversteer and we saw a big difference between the hard and soft tyres, probably the biggest we have seen all year. Tomorrow, I will have a nice fresh engine so I think we can move forward and the rest of the weekend should be positive for us.

Хайме Алгерсуари:
It was a shame that I lost track time this morning, but we made up for it later. In the afternoon I got a good feeling from the car, especially on a long run, producing some quite good lap times given I was running used hard tyres. When I was trying to do a quick lap, I got caught up in traffic, but overall I am optimistic. Having two test sessions here in the winter did not really help much today as the car has evolved and the track conditions are very different now.

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