Испания 2011 - Ред Бул за петък

20/05/2011 17:59, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 859/1410 прочита, няма коментари


Според Уебър гумите ще са решаващият фактор. Той разчита на опита си за успех в неделя. Фетел пък потвърждава, че новите гуми на Пирели са много твърди!

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Марк Уебър:
The car ran well today; we’ve still got some work to do, but it was one of our better Fridays. It’s the first time we’ve run the RB7 in Barcelona in these temperatures, so the team’s learned quite a lot. Tyres are a big factor here, we know that, so we will be looking to manage them as best we can. It’s always been a reasonable track for me here, with a good result last year, so I hope to keep that trend going this weekend.

Себастиан Фетел:
It was a very productive day – it was the first real chance we had with the new spec of hard tyres – and I can confirm they are pretty hard! All in all it was good, this morning wasn’t maybe ideal, but this afternoon I was happy. I think it will be tight this weekend, we look in good shape, but the others seem quick as well.

Още от сезон 2011:


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