Испания 2011 - Рено за петък

20/05/2011 18:41, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 922/1509 прочита, няма коментари


Без система KERS е карал днес Петров. Хайдфелд пък не е доволен от факта, че новите по-твърди гуми на Пирели не са се представяли както е очаквал. Били са значително по-бавни, както в една обиколка, така и по време на дълга серия.

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Ник Хайдфелд:
What was really interesting today were Pirelli’s new super hard tyres. Although we’ve gained some experience of them occasionally on Fridays, we haven’t used them a lot and they didn’t really perform as I expected. They are significantly slower over one lap and during the long run too. That’s the main difference between them and the previous hard tyres. The good thing is that I tried some out of the box things today, and attempted some different aspects to try and improve performance. We also managed to work on the set-up, which was useful. I think we’ve made some progress, but tonight we need to analyse exactly what we’ve learnt and where we can get even better going into P3 and Qualifying tomorrow.

Витали Петров:
The good thing is we were able to test both sets of tyres for a number of laps, so we could take lots of useful data which is what today is for. On the other hand, I lost a lot of time because of not being able to use KERS to its full potential, so it was a little bit frustrating. This meant there was less power for my car, but the KERS also affects the braking so we had to work on the brake balance to compensate. I’m optimistic and looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow.

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