Хамилтън и Бътън на почетната стълбичка днес, но МакЛарън изостават все още в квалификацията от Ред Бул. Уитмарш обаче е убеден, че в Монако ще се борят за победата.
(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове -
Люис Хамилтън:
Бях приятно изненадан от това, колко бързи бяхме днес. В състезателни условия, мисля, че всъщност бяхме по-бързи от Ред Бул, с изключение на високоскоростните участъци (завои).
Натисках колкото беше възможно през целия следобед, и съм наистина щастлив от резултата - още няколко обиколки и подреждането в челото би могло да бъде различно, но не ми достигна време в края на състезанието.
Въпреки DRS, изпреварванията на тази писта все още са много трудни - не можеш да си близо в завои 3 или 9 и това прави нещата наистина сложни. Също така аз се намирах в „мръсната струя” на Себастиан (Фетел) и колата беше много нестабилна - беше невероятно трудно зад него. Може би все още губим твърде много в квалификациите, но състезателното ни темпо е на ниво. Така че, както бихте могли да предположите, ще търсим начини да подобрим квалификационното си темпо.
Също съм истински щастлив да видя как се справи Дженсън и финишира на подиума - това е великолепен резултат за отбора. Сега вече гледам напред към Монако - това е трасе, където аеропритискането във високоскоростните сектори не е така значимо и където качествата на пилота могат да са в по-голяма степен определящи. Това би трябвало да бъде силна писта за нас.
(превод - Targor)
Дженсън Бътън:
I had a terrible start and was on the outside into Turn One and Turn Three, where I lost further places. I was down in 10th at the end of the first lap, which was extremely disappointing.
After that, I didn’t think third would really be possible, but as the others all made their pitstops so early, and as my tyres still felt good, I started to think it might be on. After Turkey, it was really fantastic to make the strategy work for me today.
We stayed on the Option for as long as possible and I did three stops to the others’ four – and the result was that I had a great race. I overtook Mark [Webber] and Fernando [Alonso] within a lap of each other. I knew I wasn’t going to catch the first two, but I pushed as hard as I could just in case something happened ahead of me.
Tyre life with these Pirellis is like a switch – once you lose the rears, the lap-times just drop. We got it just right today – and, when I finally got onto the Prime, the circuit was in a good condition and the tyre worked pretty well. I really felt like I raced today.
Finally, I want to say a big thank-you to the team today – we chose a fantastic strategy, the pitstops were perfect and we made everything work. This was the result of a superb team effort.
Мартин Уитмарш:
Jenson was edged down to 10th place on the first lap, and from then on he was always going to be playing catch-up. But, using a three-stop strategy hatched in response to that setback, he did just that. He caught up superbly, in fact, balancing the need for speed with the equally crucial requirement that he look after his tyres, and the result was that he ended up on the podium alongside Sebastian and Lewis. It was one of those drives that marks out a true world champion.
As for Lewis, he drove another storming race, taking the fight to Sebastian from lights to flag. It’s probably fair to say that Red Bull are still a little quicker than us in qualifying, but Lewis showed this afternoon that in race spec we’re now able to match them every inch of the way. Indeed, Lewis was looking for a way past Sebastian in the final few laps – their battle must have made for a thrilling finale for TV viewers and trackside spectators alike – but in the end he just couldn’t pull it off. Nonetheless, as I say, he drove brilliantly.
In summary, then, we scored 33 world championship points today, which is another decent haul. But we want to win and we intend to win, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing our damnedest to do on the famously challenging streets of Monte-Carlo in just a few days’ time.
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