Ред Бул за Монако

23/05/2011 16:18, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 861/1617 прочита, няма коментари


Думи от пилотите на Ред Бул, които отново ще са фаворити за спечелването на състезанието в Монако.

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Себастиан Фетел:
It’s remarkable to drive an F1 car around Monaco, it’s a completely unique track and a unique challenge for the driver. You have to push as hard as on a normal race track, but the smallest mistake can bring a big penalty. Grid position is very important and can determine your race, as traditionally overtaking in Monaco is very tricky. Managing the traffic during qualifying in Monaco is also a big challenge. As an event, it’s one of the highlights of the year. We did well there last year and I hope we can be very strong again.

Марк Уебър:
We know this is one of the most prestigious races of the year. There are a lot of question marks going into this year’s race in terms of how the tyres will be and the strategy could be the most complicated of the year. It’s a track that I’ve always seemed to do reasonably well at and I have some of my best memories as a racing driver there. It’s clearly a demanding street circuit, which requires incredible concentration and composure for the drivers throughout the weekend, starting with Thursday’s practice sessions. The dramatic coast line and cliffs make an incredible backdrop to one of the most famous tracks in the world – it’s clearly like no other circuit we race at.

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