Уилямс за Монако

24/05/2011 12:31, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 995/1894 прочита, няма коментари


Ето какво казват пилотите на Уилямс, които след пет старта все още нямат спечелена точка, за предстоящото състезание в Монако.

(Ако има доброволци нека да изпратят преведените текстове - http://f1.f-e-n.net/index.php/url687)

Рубенс Барикело:
Monaco is a second home for me so I really enjoy this race weekend, especially qualifying. We need to wait and see how we can use DRS. While the FIA is conscious of that fact that it is notoriously difficult to overtake around Monaco, they want to try and make it possible without making it dangerous. I am open-minded to whatever they decide. We are keen to keep on fighting as we want to score some points as soon as possible.

Пастор Малдонадо:
I feel good heading to Monaco and it is definitely my favourite track and a place where I’ve had great results over the last five years (including one win in World Series and two wins and two podium finishes in GP2). For me it has a magical atmosphere and to be there racing in Formula One has always been a dream of mine. I would love to score my first points of the year there. I think it will be difficult for us as we don’t have much time between these two races and we’ve never tried the supersoft tyres before. Once we see how they perform, we can then see how we can improve our performance within the car.

Сам Майкъл:
The Spain - Monaco back-to-back presents clear logistical challenges for the operational group and engineering team. Any modifications to the cars based on information gained in Barcelona must be turned around quickly so it will be a busy week.

Monaco is a low grip street circuit, requiring the softest springs and highest ride heights that we operate over the whole season. Normally reducing understeer and improving traction are the keys to a good laptime.

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