Тимо Глок остава във Върджин до 2014

24/07/2011 11:13, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 762/1098 прочита, няма коментари


Тимо Глок ще остане във Върджин поне до края на 2014 година. Това беше обявено на пресконференция днес сутринта.

Ето и какво написа Тимо Глок в twitter:
I feel very comfortable with Marussia Virgin Racing. This is the reason why I decided to contribute to coachwork on the team for the next three years . I am very proud to be a part of this team and I am looking forward to all we will achieve together in the future. Especially whereby the personal involvement of Andrey Cheglakov and Marussia together with the partnership with McLaren I see a great chance for a very successful future.

От пресконференцията

Тимо Глок:
I am very happy to confirm that Marussia Virgin Racing will be my home for the next few years of my Formula One career. I’m especially pleased to be able to announce this news ahead of my home Grand Prix in Germany today, where my career began. The past 18 months of racing have been quite tough, although this was always to be expected. As a driver I knew I would have to go back a few steps in order to move forward. Now we have tasted the difficult times together I can’t wait to be with the team when we start to enjoy the good times. And I know they are coming. I’ve seen tremendous belief from Marussia and hard work and commitment across the whole team. With the additional steps we have taken – the technical partnership with McLaren and bringing the whole team together – I believe we can achieve our goals together. This year we’ve demonstrated that we know how to build a reliable car, and with the resources we now have we should be able to add to that a high-performing car. After that it’s all about gradual but significant steps forward.

Анди Уеб:
We are delighted to have agreed a new long-term contract with Timo, which represents another significant step in our plans for Marussia Virgin Racing. Timo’s contribution to the team over the past 18 months has been immeasurable and he has certainly lived up to his commitment to help build a team from within. It has been a tough climb at times, and for a driver of his unquestionable record it must have proved frustrating at times. Both he and the team are fortunate to be faced with the opportunities we have now created for ourselves when we are still very much in our infancy.

Timo is vastly experienced whilst still bringing youth and great spirit to the team. We are looking forward to seeing what we can do together to extract the maximum from our resources, particularly the promising technical partnership with McLaren. We look forward to continuing the positive relationship we enjoy with Timo.

Yes I Stay!!!!!

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